Going "Batty" at Irvine - DATE CHANGE - Now on 8/16
Learn about and celebrate the much-maligned animal--the bat! International Bat Night is only a week away (August 24th) and we will use this class to investigate why some of the bats found in Maryland are becoming rare, while others become more common. We will hike around the building and down to the meadow (a gentle walk) to see where the "battiest" place at Irvine is by using an echolocator to detect bat calls.
All participants ages 8 and up are welcome!
Please wear long sleeves or use a natural insect repellent to deter ticks.
Register early please; program will be canceled if registration minimums are not met.
Date: Friday - August 16
Time: :7:30-9:00 PM
Location: Meet in front of the Exhibit Hall/Trails
Cost: $10/individual or $25/family