Little Birds Weekend Mini-Series Classes

For children ages birth through 3 years and their caregivers

Registration opens January 21st at 8:00 AM 



Young children are naturally curious about the world outside. There is so much to discover: sticks, pebbles, animals, plants, puddles! Irvine’s Little Birds builds upon this curiosity through a semester-long weekly class for children birth to 3 years alongside a caregiver. Together, children and their caregivers discover the wonders of wildlife through age-appropriate activities like live animal encounters, nature walks, songs, stories, and art experiences.

This program includes primarily outdoor experiences and is a perfect introduction to our approach to learning in The Nature Preschool.

Minimum age: Newborn

Maximum age: Student cannot turn 4 before 4/10/25 for spring classes.

Register using the link below:


Spring Saturday Little Birds (6 weeks of Saturday Classes) 


Please contact Laura Ferrara at for assistance with registration and discounts.

Please contact Head of Child and Caregiver Programs Laura Kennedy-Long at for questions about the classes.