Bauer Explorers:

Monthly Enrichment Afternoons

Ages 5-9



This 3 hour class is designed to connect children with seasonal nature study, creative arts and messy maths exploration. We promote respect for plants, animals, the land, and each other through a nurturing environment. Hikes, live animal encounters, and open-ended wild nature play are integral to our learning each session. 


Ages: 5-9 years old (Must be 5 by the session date and cannot be 10 or older on that day)

Time: 1:00-4:00 PM, various Tuesdays throughout the year

Price: $45 per session (Membership discounts apply for Pacesetter level or above)


Please register early for this class. If registration minimums are not met,  the class will be canceled on the day before the class is scheduled (Monday at 1:00 PM). Thank you!


Register for the Full Year at a discounted price here:

2024-2025 Full Year of Bauer Explorers, Ages 5-9 Register for all 16 sessions and save 10% with one quick registration! 


Register for '2024-2025 Individual Sessions here: 

Sept. 10 Wonderful Woodlands

Sept. 17 Magic Meadow: Things with Wings 

Oct. 8 Dirt Dwellers.

Oct. 15 Amazing Autumn

Nov. 5 Pumpkins: Oh my Gourd!  

Nov. 12 Nature's Music.

Dec. 3 Animals on the Move 

Dec. 10 Winter's Nap

Jan. 14 Over the Frozen Ground: Nature's Engineers

Feb. 11 Ice and Snow: Beauty and Science

Mar. 4 Tapping for Sap

Mar. 18 Tasty Maple Sugaring

Apr. 22 Spring has Sprung

Apr. 29 Tales and Scales

May 6 Time to Grow

May 13 Stream Searching



Please contact Laura Ferrara at for assistance with registration and discounts.

Please contact Stephanie Holzman at for questions about the classes.